How We Help
3 myths about Office 365 that just aren't true
We've put together a list of myths about Office 365 that just aren't true, and[...]
What can Office 365 bring to health care?
Health care can reap all kinds of benefits from an Office 365 deployment.
3-2-1 Backup Rules Best Practices
Companies that backup to tape as their offsite backup often aren’t aware of what recovering[...]
eBook: Debunking Disaster Recovery
Outages can cost companies $7,900 per minute. Don’t wait until disaster strikes. Our free report[...]
Shadow IT: What it is and how to mitigate it
Technology has advanced at an incredibly fast rate in the past few years, and companies[...]
White Paper: Modern Storage Solutions Optimize IT Investments
ISG Technology understands that complex and rigid storage silos don’t meet the needs of big[...]
The presidential debate and the future of American cybersecurity
The next president is going to have a huge impact on America's future cybersecurity.
Could a network assessment have saved Southwest from major downtime?
A network assessment may have been able to help Southwest Airlines avoid their recent outage.
How can your company benefit from hyperconvergence?
Hyperconvergence is an interesting trend with many advantages for the modern business.
Data dilemma: Where does police body camera footage go?
As recording technologies get smaller and cheaper, giving police officers cameras to wear on their[...]