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IT specialist working on a server

Business Continuity Resources

Whether you’re a backup and disaster recovery expert or just getting your business continuity plan started, this page contains many useful resources to help you understand how to protect your data and keep your business up and running.

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cybersecurity protecting a computer

Cybersecurity Handbook

Most business owners today know the importance of cybersecurity, yet many just don’t know how to get started. The first step is understanding the threat landscape we find ourselves in and the tools and resources that are available to mitigate those threats.

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IT specialist working on a server

Get the Most out of Managed Services

With this guide, we aim to provide business executives with the baseline information they need to have regarding managed services in order to make strategic decisions about how to best address their IT needs.

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News & Insights

How managed services help you address your most pressing business challenges

When it comes time to adopt managed services, it's best to work with an experienced[...]

Video: Security & Mobility in the Modern Workplace

While workplace mobility has become the new norm, it can leave a company vulnerable.

3 ways managed services provide access to the most advanced IT tools

One of the most attractive advantages of leveraging managed services is the ability to access[...]

What to consider when selecting a network monitoring tool

Currently, there are more than a few network monitoring solutions available for enterprises, and it's[...]

3 Reasons Your Company Can Benefit From a Managed Help Desk

Now, more enterprises than ever are turning to outsourced, managed help desk services. These IT systems[...]

Why you should consider a career at ISG Technology

Looking for an exciting new opportunity in your career? We want you!

What does health care need from communications solutions?

Health care facilities need to think long and hard about future communication needs. So, what should[...]

3 myths about Office 365 that just aren't true

We've put together a list of myths about Office 365 that just aren't true, and[...]

What can Office 365 bring to health care?

Health care can reap all kinds of benefits from an Office 365 deployment. 

3-2-1 Backup Rules Best Practices

Companies that backup to tape as their offsite backup often aren’t aware of what recovering[...]