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IT specialist working on a server

Business Continuity Resources

Whether you’re a backup and disaster recovery expert or just getting your business continuity plan started, this page contains many useful resources to help you understand how to protect your data and keep your business up and running.

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cybersecurity protecting a computer

Cybersecurity Handbook

Most business owners today know the importance of cybersecurity, yet many just don’t know how to get started. The first step is understanding the threat landscape we find ourselves in and the tools and resources that are available to mitigate those threats.

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IT specialist working on a server

Get the Most out of Managed Services

With this guide, we aim to provide business executives with the baseline information they need to have regarding managed services in order to make strategic decisions about how to best address their IT needs.

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News & Insights

What is hosted PBX?

Unlike a traditional private branch exchange (PBX) phone service, which requires installation, ongoing maintenance, training,[...]

What to cover in your business continuity plan

While a disaster recovery plan is crucial to maintaining data integrity, a business continuity plan[...]

The top 4 video conferencing solutions for small businesses

If you're looking for a video conferencing solution for your SMB, there are lots of[...]

How to build a disaster management plan

While data backup is important, you need additional measures to ensure compliance and continuity of[...]

Webinar: “Disaster Recovery Essentials For The Modern SMB”

Watch & Download Our Free Webinar: “Disaster Recovery Essentials For The Modern SMB” If you’re[...]

4 solid file sharing options for SMBs

Today's businesses rely on digital files for storing and organizing almost all of their important[...]

The down & dirty guide on developing a backup strategy

Data loss afflicts companies of all sizes, including those that seem secure. Once your customer,[...]

Crafting the perfect voicemail greetings (examples inside!)

In a world of unified communications, video conferencing, bring-your-own-devices-to-work policies and other cutting-edge communications, the[...]

Backup Madness is Back

Let’s Defeat Downtime in 2019 Backup Madness in 2018 was a slam dunk. We touched[...]

5 reasons why you need a backup service, even if you’re using Office 365

Contrary to popular belief, Office 365 and other software as a service (SaaS) models provide[...]