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IT specialist working on a server

Business Continuity Resources

Whether you’re a backup and disaster recovery expert or just getting your business continuity plan started, this page contains many useful resources to help you understand how to protect your data and keep your business up and running.

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cybersecurity protecting a computer

Cybersecurity Handbook

Most business owners today know the importance of cybersecurity, yet many just don’t know how to get started. The first step is understanding the threat landscape we find ourselves in and the tools and resources that are available to mitigate those threats.

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IT specialist working on a server

Get the Most out of Managed Services

With this guide, we aim to provide business executives with the baseline information they need to have regarding managed services in order to make strategic decisions about how to best address their IT needs.

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News & Insights

5 Ways To Dramatically Cut Down IT Costs Right Now

With the spread of COVID-19 changing the way workforces operate, many businesses are experiencing significant[...]

Webinar: Dominating The Data Explosion Dynamic

It’s Time To Simplify Data Management According to a 2019 Gartner report, enterprises will triple[...]

What SMBs Have Learned from COVID-19

Whether it’s meant shrinking teams, updating processes, or temporarily halting the production of goods and[...]

5 Red Flags Your IT Provider Didn’t Prepare You Well Enough for COVID-19

As businesses face the challenges of COVID-19, it has become obvious to some that their[...]

Webinar: Winning The War On Ransomware

Let’s Declare War On Ransomware Every day, organizations are at risk of losing data and[...]

7 critical questions you should ask when choosing a cloud computing provider

There’s no question that cloud computing is on the rise. More and more businesses are[...]

Webinar: Cybersecurity for Your Suddenly Remote Workforce

As COVID-19 continues to change daily work life around the globe, organizations are facing a[...]

10 Tech Solutions (& Offers) to Stay Secure & Productive During COVID-19 Crisis

As you may have seen, a number of technology manufacturers stepped up to the plate[...]

The Ultimate Remote Workforce Checklist – Security, Productivity & Business Continuity

Pandemic has struck the globe. Workforces have been sent home. And the IT team has[...]

Business Continuity & Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Like many companies across the country and around the world, ISG Technology is closely monitoring[...]