When it comes to making sure business is running smoothly, it often falls on the shoulders of the IT department to ensure that everything is aligned and working toward the end goal of more growth, higher revenue and better reputation among clients. To this end, server virtualization can be one of the better ways to ensure optimized resource use and preserve functionality within the IT department.
According to a 2015 study conducted by Techaisle, 54 percent of small to medium-sized businesses in the U.S. currently leverage server virtualization, a hefty increase from the 41 percent of 2013. For midmarket companies, penetration is at 88 percent. Clearly, organizations are jumping on the bandwagon of server virtualization. Let’s take a look at this technology and see how it can impact your company for the better:
“IT admins don’t have to worry as much about processing capacity.”
What is it?
Server virtualization is the act of taking one physical server and splitting it into multiple – and, compute resources permitting, sometimes infinite – virtual environments. Virtual machines run on a guest/host paradigm, according to TechTarget. This means that a single administrator (the host) can create virtual machines (guests) that use different operating systems. Guests sit on top of something called a hypervisor, or virtual machine monitor, which allocates resources and validates all of the guest-validated CPU information.
These guest machines, while not running from a physical location, still use up real resources. However, since it’s all managed via one physical server, resource use is curbed significantly, so IT admins don’t have to worry as much about processing capacity or resource management.

Worth it in the long run
Virtualization doesn’t just save up space in the server room. By getting rid of physical infrastructure and deploying VMs within minimal real servers, companies can save money as well. Significant reductions in capital and operational expenditures are possible by transforming IT infrastructure in this manner. In fact, according to TechTarget contributor Rick Vanover, the more effective use of resources and greater computing capacity can lead to savings due to less space and power used within the data center.
ISG Technology is a certified partner of VMware, one of the tech giants in the world of virtualization. In fact, VMware was listed as the number-one virtualization company by ServerWatch, and Gartner named the company one of the leaders in the field in 2015. At ISG, we can help you choose and manage your VMware solution so you don’t have to worry about your IT resources or CAPEX/OPEX.
Contact ISG Technology today for more information!