Email Filtering & Web Security

Ensuring robust email security, web security, and DNS protection is vital in the face of growing cyber threats. Shockingly, Deloitte reports that a staggering 91% of all cyberattacks start with a phishing email, which underscores the critical need to fortify defenses. 

These security measures are the front lines in safeguarding sensitive data, thwarting cyberattacks, and preserving the trust and functionality of digital platforms and communication. With that in mind, use these best practices to strengthen this critical security control. 

Phishing Protection 

Email is the most common vector for phishing attacks, where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to trick users into revealing sensitive information. 

Email filtering can identify and block phishing emails, shielding users from falling for these scams. Simultaneously, web security tools can identify and block access to phishing websites and fraudulent pages that attempt to steal user credentials or personal information. 

Malware Prevention 

Malicious attachments and links in emails can deliver malware to your network. Email filtering scans attachments and URLs for known threats, preventing malware from infiltrating your systems. Similarly, web security solutions can block access to websites known for distributing malware or hosting malicious content, which thwarts drive-by downloads and malware infections. 

Spam Reduction 

Filtering out spam emails not only improves productivity but also reduces the risk of accidentally clicking on malicious links or downloading harmful attachments. At the same time, web security solutions can identify and block URLs associated with malicious activities, which minimizes the risk of users inadvertently visiting harmful websites.

Data Loss Prevention 

Email filtering plays a crucial role in detecting and preventing the unauthorized transmission of sensitive data through email, helping you maintain control over your organization’s confidential information. Additionally, web security solutions can prevent sensitive data from being uploaded or leaked through web forms, so you can protect against accidental or malicious data breaches. 

Domain Name System (DNS) Protection for Remote Workers 

DNS security and web filtering are paramount for remote employees, especially those that are not consistently using VPNs. By safeguarding the DNS and implementing strict web filtering, organizations ensure remote workers are protected from online threats even when working outside the secure corporate network. 

Maintaining Compliance 

Many industries have regulatory requirements related to email and web security. Proper email filtering and web security measures ensure the secure transmission of sensitive data, facilitating compliance with these standards. 

Business Continuity 

Both email filtering and web security are essential components in protecting against email and web-borne threats that could disrupt your business operations. They ensure continuity and prevent downtime. 

Follow these email filtering and web security best practices to safeguard your organization’s digital assets and ensure a secure/productive online environment.

Read On

If you’re interested in learning more about the controls needed to secure cyber insurance, be sure to check back tomorrow at 9 AM CST for our segment on Security Awareness Training & Simulated Phishing

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